Social media usage in 2022
For the 12th year in a row, the Dutch National Social Media Research was published by Newcom. As mentioned many times before: social media are here to stay. It’s a cliché for a reason. In total, 13.7 million Dutch are active on one or multiple social media, just like last year.
For the 12th year in a row, the Dutch National Social Media Research was published by Newcom. As mentioned many times before: social media are here to stay. It’s a cliché for a reason. In total, 13.7 million Dutch are active on one or multiple social media, just like last year.
Whatsapp is still the largest platform by far, although it is debatable if we should count this as one of the social media platforms. Facebook still has over 10 million Dutch users and is followed by YouTube. Instagram also remains a solid top player and is followed by LinkedIn, which concludes the very stable top 5 of social media platforms in the Netherlands.