Taking holidays before your holidays: The meivakantie
Did the Dutch invent the concept of going on a holiday? Certainly not. Are they the only ones in the whole wide world that travel? Heck no. So what makes the Dutch traveller so special?
Let’s start by stating that the Dutch have a lot of free time: with a standard of 25 days of annual leave and 30.6 hours (as average) per week it’s not surprising that as a result, your around the block dutchie goes on holiday almost 3 times a year!
Did the Dutch invent the concept of going on a holiday? Certainly not. Are they the only ones in the whole wide world that travel? Heck no. So what makes the Dutch traveller so special?
Let’s start by stating that the Dutch have a lot of free time: with a standard of 25 days of annual leave and 30.6 hours (as average) per week it’s not surprising that as a result, your around the block dutchie goes on holiday almost 3 times a year!
What is this meivakantie and how do you eat it?
The meivakantie can be referred as a sort of pre-summer holiday (May vacation) for the Dutch. This year (2018) it will take place between 30th April and 8th May. It is expected that up to 4 million vacations will be enjoyed, and according to previous statistics, more than half will include visiting a foreign land.
Favourite countries include: France, Germany, Belgium and the Mediterranean coasts.
The meivakantie consumer journey
When it comes to behaviour, 9 out of 10 people search for holiday inspiration while surfing the web and 80% books their holiday online. If we consider the travel customer journey (Inspiration – Research – Booking), March and April are fantastic months to engage your ideal audience in the meivakantie spirit.
Chances are they are already looking for more information about your destination. Thousands of micro-moments (possibilities) are happening right now from their mobile phones. From sitting in the metro to sitting behind their desktop computers at work when the boss is not watching (you sneaky bunch!). You can download our whitepaper for more information.
Holland Travel Marketing understands the travel customer journey and its different phases, cycle and trends. We can help you reach your ideal audience (whether they are elderly 50+ people or young families) with the right message at the right time.
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